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How to lock/unlock your iStick Pico Kit?

Do you know how to lock/unlock your iStick Pico Kit? Keep pressing up button and down button simultaneously for two seconds when the device Is powered on, then the up and down buttons will be locked and the screen will display “Lock”. In the same way, the up and down buttons can be unlocked and the screen will display “Unlocke “. Through this operation, you can protect the buttons from unintentional presses and prolong the lifespan of your iStick Pico Kit.


  1. Voltaj ayarı olmuyodu lock yazıyordu artı ve eksiye aynı anda basılı tutunca unlock oluyor yani düzeliyor

  2. Thank you! Couldn't figure out how to unlock it!

  3. Keeps locking no matter what I do


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